
Geriatrician, Hospitalist, Patient Advocate, Healthcare Educator

Masks Prevent COVID Spread

Photo by Jievani Weerasinghe

There continues to be much debate about mask mandates throughout the country. While there are heated school board meetings, social media fights, protests, and politicians and courts having their own take in different states, children are being hospitalized for COVID-19 and beds continue to be tight. The United States has already surpassed the 2020 total of COVID 19 cases and it is only September of 2021. We still have fall and winter to go.

A large randomized study which took place in Bangladesh tested the effectiveness of wearing masks in 340,000 adults in everyday normal life and showed that wearing masks prevented transmission of COVID-19.

All of us continue to hear stories of people contracting COVID when we let their guards down. The fact remains that science does back that masks work and we have seen time and time again that masks can make all the difference and save lives. So, why not save a life if you can?